Terms and conditions

General information

The company’s legal name: CHAYA ApS  
CVR no.: 66111717  
Address: Literbuen 9, 2740 Skovlunde 
Telephone number: 3965 8898  
Established: 1980

We charge a fee to cover freight:
- Delivery to i.e. post office: DKK 29, -
- Delivery to your door: DKK 39, -

If your order exceeds DKK 500, the goods will be sent freight free. The stated freight costs apply within Denmark.

Your order will be sent by PostNord. Under normal conditions the goods will be delivered 1-3 business days after we receive your order and payment. If one of the ordered items is in backorder and we know it is on its way, we will wait for it and ship your total order. You will of course be notified.

Chaya’s online shop accepts the following forms of payment: Dankort, most international credit and debit cards, bank transfer or invoice (if a company is ordering). If you choose Dankort or other card payment, you will be asked to enter your card details via a secure Networks connection. The amount will be withdrawn from your card only when the goods are shipped from chaya.dk. No amount larger than the amount you approved at the time of purchase can be withdrawn. In the case of a bank transfer, the goods will be shipped immediately after we register your payment. Attention: When paying by bank transfer you are not protected by the right to object. Read the reason why here.

You can cancel your order within 30 days when you shop at chaya.dk. The cancellation period expires 30 days after the day you:

a) receive your item.

b) receive the last item of an order for multiple items that are shipped individually.

(c) receive the last lot or the last part of an order for an item consisting of several lots or parts.

You must, within 30 days of receipt, inform us that you regret your purchase. The notification must be given by e-mail at info@chaya.dk. In your message, please specify that you wish to cancel your order. You can also choose to use our standard cancellation form and include this when returning the item(s). The cancellation form will be enclosed in the package and you can also find it here.

You cannot cancel your purchase merely by denying to receive without giving us clear notice.

You must return the product without undue delay and no later than 14 days after you have notified us that you wish to cancel your purchase. Please note that you are responsible for the cost of returning the item. When returning the item, you are responsible for ensuring that the item is safely packed. You bear the risk of the item from the time of delivery.

Purchase of goods that cannot be cancelled
No return nor refund is possible for the following items:
1. Food and beverages.
2. Delivery of perishable goods.

The condition of the product when you return it
You are only liable for any deterioration of the value of the item caused by handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and manner of the item. In other words; you can try the product in the same way as if you were trying it in a physical store.

If the product has been tested beyond what is described above, we consider the item used, which means that in case of cancellation, only part or none of the purchase amount will be refunded, depending on the item’s commercial value. For a full refund, you must only do with the product what you would have been able to do in a physical store. You may test the product, but not take it in actual use.

Refund of purchase amount
If you regret your purchase, the amount paid will of course be refunded. In the case of a depreciation for which you are liable, an amount will be deducted from the purchase amount accordingly.

If you use your right to cancel an order, we will refund all your payments, including delivery costs (though no additional costs due to your personal choice of delivery other than the cheapest form of standard delivery that we offer) without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the date we have received notice of your decision to cancel the agreement. We transfer the refund using the same method of payment that you used to pay for the original transaction, unless you explicitly request otherwise. We can withhold the refund until we have received the item, unless you have submitted documentation proving that the item has been returned. If you wish to cancel the purchase, the item must be shipped to: Chaya, Mileparken 18, 2740 Skovlunde. You can also cancel the purchase by giving clear notice and delivering it personally at the above address upon prior agreement.

What should I include when returning goods?
You must attach a copy of the order confirmation. The handling will be faster if you also fill in our cancellation form.
Note! We do not accept packages sent COD.

If your goods have been damaged during shipping, please contact us. We will send new items as quickly as possible or refund the purchase amount. We ask you to keep the damaged goods until you have contacted us, as in certain cases we ask for the items to be returned for documentation. We will of course pay for shipment. The Code of Conduct of the Buying Act may apply to goods purchased.

When you shop at chaya.dk, you have a 24-month warranty. This means that you can either have the item repaired, exchanged, a money refund or a discount, depending on the specific situation.

Obviously, it is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen as the result of incorrect use of the product or other damaging behaviour.

How quickly must I complain?
You must complain within "reasonable time" after you have discovered the defect of the item. If you complain within two months after the defect has been discovered, the complaint will always be timely.

We refund reasonable shipping costs
If your claim is justified, we will of course refund your (reasonable) shipping costs.

The item must be sent to:
Chaya, Literbuen 9, 2740 Skovlunde

We need the following information when you ship the item to us:
When you return the item, please indicate what the problem is in as many details as possible. Note! We do not accept packages sent per COD or the like. Remember, the item must always be returned in proper packaging and remember to get a shipping receipt so that we can refund your shipping costs.

Privacy Policy

In order for you to enter into an agreement with us at chaya.dk, we need the following information:

Phone number
E-mail address

We register your personal information for the purpose of delivering the item to you. The personal data are registered with CHAYA ApS and are kept for five years after which the information is deleted. When collecting personal information through our website, we ensure that it is always done only with your explicit consent so that you are informed about exactly what information is collected and why.

The director of CHAYA ApS has access to the information that is registered about you.

The data manager at chaya.dk is Kirstine Laurents, Sales Director.
We do not store customer information encrypted. We do not transmit customer information encrypted.

Information provided to chaya.dk is not disclosed or sold to third parties, and we do not register any personally sensitive information. When registering for a newsletter, we will register your e-mail address. The e-mail address is not shared with third party.

When you are registered with CHAYA ApS, you are always entitled to object to the registration. You also have the right to know what information is registered about you. These rights are in accordance with the Danish Data Protection Act and any contact related to this should be addressed to CHAYA ApS by e-mail: info@chaya.dk.

Complaint procedure
If you want to complain about your purchase, please contact Kirstine Laurents (info@chaya.dk). If we fail to find a solution, you can file a complaint with the relevant board if the conditions for doing so are met, for example the Consumer Complaints Board, Carl Jacobsensvej 35, 2500 Valby, telephone no. +45 41 71 50 00, e-mail kfst@kfst.dk and website www.kfst.dk.